Absolutely Sinful Cinnamon Rolls
Alrighty, here áre the cinnámon rolls thát I mentioned in my previous post. I put these together on Christmás Eve, ánd then báked them on Christmás morning. Let me just tell you...there's nothing quite like the smell of yummy cinnámon rolls wáfting through the house on Christmás morning...áhhhhh...so wonderful! This is going to be á new trádition for us...fresh, homemáde rolls on Christmás. I thought thát I might try this recipe, ánd then máybe try á new one next yeár...until I found one thát I reálly loved. However, I hit the jáckpot on the first try! This is THE recipe thát I'll álwáys use.
The greát thing wás thát I could prepáre them on Christmás Eve. Just put them together...áll the wáy until the step where they're reády to go into the oven. Insteád of popping them into the oven, just put them in the fridge ánd let them rise for the 2nd time in the fridge overnight (they'll rise VERY slowly in the fridge). Then, in the morning let them sit át room temperáture for ábout 30 minutes, ánd then pop them in the oven ás directed.
I looked ánd looked online ánd in my numerous cookbooks for the perfect recipe. I think the thing thát got me ábout this párticulár recipe wás the coffee gláze drizzled over the rolls...omg. You hád me át coffee! I didn't look much further áfter thát.
- 2 cups whole milk
- 1/2 cup vegetáble oil
- 1/2 cup sugár
- 1 pkg áctive dry yeást
- 4 1/2 cups flour
- 1/2 tsp. báking powder
- 1/2 tsp. báking sodá
- 1/2 táblespoon sált
- 1 cup melted butter, plus more ás needed
- 1/8 cup ground cinnámon for sprinkling
- 1 cup sugár, plus more ás needed
- Mix milk, vegetáble oil, ánd 1/2 cup of sugár in á pán. Scáld the mixture (heát until just before the boiling point.) Remove from heát ánd let it cool 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- When the mixture is lukewárm to wárm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in páckáge áctive Dry Yeást. Let this sit for á minute ánd then ádd 4 cups of flour. Stir mixture together. Cover ánd let rise for át leást án hour.
- Next, ádd 1/2 cup flour, the báking powder, báking sodá, ánd sált. Stir mixture together. From here, you could cover the dough ánd put it in the fridge until you need it—overnight or even á dáy or two, if necessáry. Just keep your eye on it ánd if it stárts to rise out of the pán, just punch it down. Or, of course, you cán just go áheád ánd máke the rolls.
- Sprinkle surfáce generously with flour ánd roll the dough into á thin rectángulár shápe, ábout 1/4" thick. Brush melted butter on top, then sprinkle sugár over the butter, ánd finish with á generous sprinkling of cinnámon.
- Stárting with the wide end, roll the dough tightly towárds you in á neát line. Next, pinch the seám to the roll to seál it. Spreád 1 tbsp of melted butter in eách pán/dish. With á shárp knife, begin cutting the dough into 1 inch slices, ánd láying them in the páns. Let rest for 20-30 minutes. Báke át 375 degrees for 13 - 17 minutes, or until golden.
- IF MáKING áHEáD FOR CHRISTMáS MORNING: Insteád of popping them into the oven, just put them stráight into the fridge ánd let them rise for the 2nd time in the fridge overnight (they'll rise VERY slowly in the fridge). Then, in the morning let them sit át room temperáture for ábout 30 minutes, ánd then pop them in the oven ás directed.
Recipe Adapted From sugarandspice-celeste
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